Ok, no it's not actually a vacation.
It's the A Collection of Shiny Objects' First Semi-Irregular Creative Retreat!
The boys and I have traveled to a semi-secret and fairly secluded location (aka Nathan's parents' vacation house in Chatham, MA) for some artistic and company development time. We've spent most of our time working on the plot and music of DARLING, our hipster/feminist/video game-inspired adaptation of Peter Pan.
There has also been a lot of tea drinking, catching up on sleep, watching YouTube clips, Nathan mashed-up Madonna's 'Express Yourself' and Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' (here), and we even went to the beach (it was cold). This is our creative process.
We'll be back in the BK in a few days and hope to get to some recording soon. Be on the lookout for some DARLING demos!
-- Liz E